Recent Posts
Defense TechConnect Conference and Expo: Fun in the Sun with the MRR
Last week I was fortunate enough to be able to parade BMC’s Modulating RetroReflector (MRR) in front of multiple audiences affiliated with the Defense community at the Defense TechConnect (DTC) Conference and Expo in Tampa, Florida.
Read moreMiFoBio 2018: AO Microscopy in Action
Recently, Boston Micromachines sponsored MiFoBio (Functional Microscopy in Biology), an event that brought together the microscopy community, academics and professionals alike, to attend courses and workshops that explored the understanding and current trends of biological imaging.
Read moreSuccessful 2K-DM Delivery to JPL and Continued WFIRST Development
Boston Micromachines successfully delivered the world’s first fully-functioning 2K-DM to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as part of NASA’s Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program! With 2040 actuators
Read moreSPIE Astro 2018. Exoplanets galore
I attended the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation event in Austin, Texas recently and while I enjoyed the music and incredible bar-b-que
Read moreLaser Focus at CLEO 2018
Last week, I attended the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) with my colleague and well-experienced technical salesperson, Michael Feinberg. Held in the San Jose Convention Center, Boston Micromachines was graciously hosted again by our strategic partner, Thorlabs –
Read moreIntroducing our new AOSDK for adaptive optics!
Boston Micromachines is proud and excited to introduce its latest product software suite: The Adaptive Optics Software Development Kit, or AOSDK.
Read moreRobo-AO: At Kitt Peak and Beyond
I’d like to recognize the Robo-AO team at Mt. Kitt. They have done a great job of transferring the instrument from Palomar and within a short time, got a season of imaging in, resulting in a number of papers and posters that were presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.
Read moreThe OPALS project at NASA’s JPL aims to increase free space communication data rates with the ISS
A Boston Micromachines Kilo-DM is being used in an adaptive optics system for the Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) project (see figure below) to improve data transmission rates on board the ISS. As the amount of data gathered by instruments on board the station has increased over the years the ability to trasmit the data has not kept pace. Without advancement in free space communications technology some of the data gathered may have to be tossed out or stored for long periods of time before it can be analyzed.
Read moreThe next generation 4Pi microscope is here. And it has adaptive optics.
Recently, work has been going on at Yale W-4PiSMSN Whole Cell 4Pi single marker switching nanoscopy graphical abstractUniversity, the Gurdon Institute at Cambridge University and Purdue University with funding provided by the Wellcome Trust Research Programme to develop a high resolution widefield microscope capable of imaging entire cell structures at once.
Read moreWhat You Missed this Month in the Adaptive Optics Industry
If you’ve been hiding out in the lab, constantly checking your March Madness bracket, or escaping the cold to find any ounce of warmth (like me!), chances are you may have missed some exciting news
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